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How To Land Your First Job Teaching Yoga?
Yoga Schools and Teachers

How To Land Your First Job Teaching Yoga?

Yoga Teaching Job

So, you have completed your yoga teacher training. Now what do you want to do? You must have studied yoga at one of the renowned schools in the Himalayas. There is an increasing number of yoga instructors in the market. You may run into some challenges, but there is always a way out. There are myriad things worth mention.

You may be a first-timer, so you may feel a bit lost. However, you need not have to worry. You can land your first teaching job, without any hassles.

Tips To Land Your First Job as a Yoga Teacher

Keep your patience intactand practice

This is the first and foremost thing you should do, as a practitioner of yoga. If you get depressed, things will only go downhill. You have to be patient and perfect your art at the same time. While maintaining your patience, you must continue to practice yoga. You may develop your home practice, and also ask your teachers back in school for flaws. It is the time you should utilize to revise what you learnt at school. Moreover, if you are not getting a job anytime soon, you will be able to utilize the time in hand.

Discuss with the Teacher

A lot of important questions may get missed out, during Yoga TTC. However, when you start the actual practice, things may come up. There will be some business-oriented questions as well. No one will teach you that, except in a business management class. So, after you are done with the course, and have also given the examination, you must ensure to ask the queries to your teacher. A senior teacher who has been working in the industry for a long time, will have the best replies, regarding all your questions. Additionally, you will also learn how to start a yoga-related business.

Do not be Choosy

Most people want to work as freelance yoga teachers. However, you cannot get students all of a sudden, before you have made a name for yourself in the market. So, in that case, you may have to rely on a job as a trainer in any of the well-established and renowned yoga schools. There will be a few gyms and recreation centres as well, where you can land a job. Gyms and such centres may keep a part of the cut and you may get the balance payment.

Practice at a studio Near You

Most yoga schools and studios will allow a teacher into their premises, if they have ever practiced there. So, you stand chance, if you have practiced yoga at any of the neighbouring studios, where you might drop your CV. The studio owner may already know you, and it can help you to make an informed decision about whether or not, you really have the eligibility and style to teach at the incumbent’s place.

Assist Other Teachers.

This is another way you can land your first teaching job. Assisting other teachers in teaching yoga at their studio, will also help to build trust. You may get paid, or you may not get paid. However, you will definitely get a lot of valuable insight on yoga practices. You will also get the first-hand knowledge of how to conduct yoga classes. Offering the services, without any cost, will also driver the idea that you can teach with a lot of commitment.

Give a Demo

 You can now arrange a demo session, to show your prospective students or at the yoga school, where you are probably planning to teach. You can keep two categories of classes – one basic and one advanced. You have to mimic real-world yoga classes for the same. You can also use soulful music to conduct the classes, as it will help you to create the perfect ambience for the class. A free demo also drives down the idea, in your student’s psyche that you are serious about your yoga career.

Once you get a class, market it well

You can advertise, send emails, and also post about your classes on social media. Even if you do not get students almost immediately, you can be sure, that people will be watching you. You may also tur out to be the next yoga sensation. Increase your followers on your yoga platform. Moreover, when you post on social media, you get a lot of exposure. It is good for your publicity.

Now, you need to also understand, that bagging a job may not be easy in a highly competitive market. You also need to display some traits, to be counted upon.

Qualities of a Yoga Teacher

You can become the teacher, that students can look up to. You should develop the ability to connect with students and their guardians in general. It will help you to build a rapport with them. Thus, your communication skills are highly important. A great yoga teacher should be able to connect with the audience.

You should also be able to command the attention of the students. It is another skill, that you need to master. Your confidence also matters a lot. It ultimately gives confidence to the students, that their education and future is in the right hands. Most successful yoga teachers have a great personality. Additionally, you should have a specific plan, to teach yoga. A routine may be a good idea to start with. Decide, beforehand, what you need to start with. This will show, that you are perfectly organized as a teacher.

Flexibility is highly important for a yoga teacher training in Chiang Mai. You need to show that, mentally as well as physically. You should also develop a personal style. Personalization is the key, to become a successful teacher today. You also need to develop some intuition to deal with your teachers.

So, after you have developed yourself on the above lines, it may be easy for you to land your first teaching job after all. So, get ready for a global yoga teaching career, today.

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