Yoga Schools and Teachers

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Chiang Mai


Our 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Chiang Mai, Thailand is an intensive 28 days training course. The course is suitable for those who aspire to deepen their practices, as well as to become a serious yoga instructor after completing the 200 hour YTT course.


At Yoga Samaadhi, our primary goal is to offer individuals a strong and comprehensive foundation to enhance their understanding and engagement with yoga in a holistic approach. Although yoga’s modern popularity is largely attributed to its physical aspects, like asanas, we believe that other essential elements have been somewhat neglected. In our 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand, our dedication lies in delivering a comprehensive and harmonious exploration of yoga. We go beyond the surface level and delve deep into each dimension of yoga, exploring its intricacies and subtleties with great attention and care. This involves incorporating spiritual teachings and practices, which play a vital role in nurturing personal and spiritual growth among our valued students.


The training curriculum encompasses fundamental subjects that make up the core elements of yoga. These subjects include pranayama, shat kriya, asana practices, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, relaxation (yoga nidra), and meditation. As for asana practices, our school offers teachings on Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga styles.


The training entails six days of intensive practice per week, with one dedicated rest day. On this particular day, our school organizes excursions for students, offering opportunities for cultural activities, temple visits, and exploration of the local area’s natural beauty. To ensure a more peaceful experience, the rest day is usually scheduled on a weekday to avoid the higher tourist crowds and traffic typically seen on weekends.


Throughout the training duration, the course fee includes accommodations, meals, and the excursions mentioned earlier, creating an all-inclusive package for our students.

Benefits of Pursuing a 300 Hours Yoga TTC


The 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) is typically for individuals who have already completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training program. This advanced training is designed to deepen the knowledge and skills of those who are already certified yoga teachers.


Our 300 Hours Yoga TTC in Chiang Mai builds upon the foundational teachings of the 200-hour training and delves into more advanced and specialized aspects of yoga practice, philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodologies. It offers a more comprehensive understanding of yoga and allows teachers to refine their teaching abilities, gain more confidence, and develop a deeper personal practice. Those who have not completed any Yoga Teacher Training Course before can check out our 200 Hours Yoga TTC in Chiang Mai.


Here are some benefits of the 300 Hours Yoga TTC:


  • Deepen personal practice: It allows teachers to explore more challenging asanas, pranayama techniques, and meditation practices to advance their own yoga journey.
  • Deepen understanding of yoga philosophy: The advanced training often includes in-depth exploration of yoga philosophy, history, and spirituality.
  • Enhance teaching skills: The 300-hour training provides more in-depth knowledge of alignment, adjustments, sequencing, and therapeutic applications of yoga, enabling teachers to offer more specialized classes to their students.
  • Pursue advanced certifications: Completing the 300-hour training may contribute to attaining higher-level certifications recognized by yoga organizations and regulatory bodies.
  • Career advancement: Yoga teachers who wish to elevate their career prospects, gain credibility, and increase their marketability by obtaining an advanced certification.

Yoga Alliance Certification - RYT500

Before undertaking our 300 Hours Yoga TTC in Thailand, candidates must fulfill a prerequisite by obtaining the 200 Hours Yoga TTC certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance USA. For yoga teachers who have already obtained their RYT200 registration, the next step is to embark on a 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training.


The combination of both the 200 Hours and 300 Hours of yoga teacher training adds up to a total of 500 Hours of training. Once this training hour requirement and a required duration of practice teaching is met, students will be eligible to register as a Registered Yoga Teacher – RYT 500 under the standard. Afterward, upon gaining the additional required teaching hours and experience, individuals will become eligible to upgrade to the highest teacher designation of an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher – ERYT 500 under the Yoga Alliance standard.

Our Address

Yoga Samaadhi
47 Moo 5, Route no. 1013,
Chiang Mai, 50360 Thailand
Phone : (+66) 84-422-2099

-Mulan Katie

I took their 200-hour TTC held in Chiangmai in October 2018. It was exactly what I had hoped for. The course was holistic and we had a total of 5 teachers for the 18 of us. I really appreciate their dedication and care for each of us. And although teaching was not my primary goal, I felt prepared and encouraged to try. The course definitely gave me a strong foundation for my personal practice going forward.

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Highlights of 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course


  • Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Duration: 28 days and 27 nights
  • Certification: RYS300 accredited by Yoga Alliance USA
  • Eligibility: Has obtained an RYS 200 certificate under the Yoga Alliance, USA 
  • Course fee is inclusive of daily meals and accommodation
  • In order to secure your seat, a non-refundable deposit is required

Typical Daily Schedule

We follow a tight daily schedule to ensure that our students get the most out of yoga teachings and practices during this yoga teacher training (YTT) program. It is encouraged to take full rest every night by sleeping early as part of your practice and to maintain health and focus throughout the program.

Tentative Class Time Subject
06.15 - 06.30

Mantra Chanting

06.30 - 07.30

Pranayama / Shat-Kriya / Mudra / Bandha (Theory & Practices)

07.30 - 09.00

Asana Session (Hatha Yoga & Practice Teaching)

09.00 - 10.00


10.00 - 11.00

Yoga Philosophy

11.00 - 12.00

Yoga Anatomy & Physiology

12.00 - 12.30

Karma Yoga (Seva)

12.30 - 13.30


13.30 - 16.30

Self-Study / Silence Practice / Self-Journaling / Rest Time

16.30 - 18.00

Asana Session (Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Practice Teaching)

18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.00

Relaxation (Yoga Nidra) & Meditation

20.00 - 21.00




NOTE : The schedule above is tentative and is subject to a shift in timing.

During the 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand over 28 days, students will have a well-deserved rest day each week. On this day, the school thoughtfully arranges an excursion or sightseeing activity for everyone. The selected destinations includes various options, such as visits to local waterfalls, forest monasteries, an elephant sanctuary (with no riding involved), or a trip to Thailand’s highest peak, Doi Inthanon.


It is worth noting that the chosen destination might be subject to change or modification in the event of adverse weather conditions or if local authorities restrict visiting certain places during specific months. In such cases, alternative options will be for all participants.

Waterfall Enjoying Moment
Wild Life
500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Chiang Mai

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand

Content Overview


» Yoga Asana: Traditional Hatha Yoga
» Yoga Asana: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (Primary Series – Series 1))
» Mantra Chanting
» Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
» 6 Cleansing Techniques (also known by ShatKarma, Satkarma, Shat Kriya, etc.)
» Yoga Philosophy
» Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
» Bandhas & Mudras
» Karma Yoga
» Meditation
» Yoga Nidra (Relaxation Techniques)
» Teaching Methodology
» Teaching Practicum
» Assignments
» Final Examination


Yoga Postures (Hatha & Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga)
  • Meditative steps of performing hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
  • Astanga vinyasa flow – series 1
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutations I, II & III) – dynamic Surya namaskar, Surya namaskar with breath awareness, Surya namaskar with 12 mantras with their bija-mantras
  • Modifications of yoga asanas
  • Types of yoga asanas – standing, sitting, backward bending, forward bending, spinal twisting, fire series, inversion, Shavasana etc.
  • Alignment & art of adjustment
  • Preventing common injuries
  • Counter pose
  • Contraindications
  • More on the yoga asanas benefits
Pranayama (The Science of Breath)
  • Science of breath
  •  Advance postures for pranayama
  •  Reviewing the diaphragmatic breath
  •  Different practices of pranayama: nadi shodhana, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma, suryabhedi, and various types of kumbhaka pranayama and others
  •  Breathing for the advance yoga practices, such as chakra and kundalini
  •  Benefits or pranayama practices
  •  Guidelines for regular pranayama
Bandhas (Lock)
  • Jalandhara-bandha (chin lock)
  •  Uddiyana-bandha (abdominal lock)
  •  Moola-bandha (root lock)
  •  Maha-bandha (great lock)
Relaxation Techniques (Yoga Nidra)
  •  Introduction to the concept and practices of relaxation
  •  Relaxation of efforts
  •  Philosophy of yoga-nidra
  •  Sequence the advance relaxation practices
  •  31 points relaxation exercise
  •  61 points relaxation exercise
  •  Preparation for yoga-nidra
  •  61 blue star – yoga-nidra
  •  Meditation in action
  •  Advance yoga asanas for meditation
  •  Reviewing the steps into basic meditation
  •  OM Kriya
  •  Spinal breath
  •  Sushumna breath through chakras
Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
  • System within the personality; A deeper understanding of human personality which contains physical and subtler bodies, such as; 10 active and cognitive senses, mind, intellect, and ego.
  •  Therapy principles for stress disorders
  •  Stress: Introduction
  •  Humoral theory (in ancient Indian medicine, Greek medicine & modern medical science)
  •  The Brain and its sub cortical centers
  •  Stress and Neuro-endocrinal changes

 Stress management through yoga:

  •  Asana (physical postures)
  •  Pranayama (breathing practices)
  •  Dhyan (meditation)
  •  More effect of yoga asanas on the muscles and body
  •  Nadis (energy channels)
  •  Chakras and Kundalini (energy plexus and coiled up energy)
  •  Advance learning about pancha kosha (five sheaths)
  •  More on the study of pancha pranas (five vital energy)
Yoga Philosophy
  • General introduction: six schools of Indian philosophy
  •  Elementary intro to Samkhya and Yoga philosophies
  •  The Yoga-sutras of Patanjali
  •  History of Yogic science
  •  Astanga-yoga: yama, niyam, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi
  •  Introduction to Vedanta (Yoga of the Upanishads)
  •  The yoga of the Bhagavad-gita
  •  The tantric yoga
  •  Yoga Ethics: yamas, niyamas, four brahma-viharas and more on the ethics of a teacher
  •  Daily life style of a sadhaka
Mudra (Hand Gesture)
  • Intro to mudras and their importance in yoga practices
  •  Mudra and its psychology
  •  The elements residing in the fingers and five mudras: akasha-mudra, jnana-mudra, agni-mudra, varuna-mudra, and prithvi-mudra.

Note: Other important mudras are: dhyan-mudra, prana-mudra, apana-mudra, linga-mudra, shunya-mudra, vishnu-mudra, bhairava-mudra, and hridaya-mudra

Mantra Chanting
  • Intro to meditation & mantra
  •  Understanding of the following mantras: aum, gayatri, trayambakam, guru, shanti etc.
  •  Understanding of morning, evening, and meal prayers
  •  Surya-namaskara 12 mantras along with bija mantras and their understanding
  •  Pronouncing the names of the advanced asanas
  •  Selected yoga-sutras recitation with their understanding
Shat-Kriya (Six Cleansing Techniques)
  •  Jala-neti
  •  Sutra-neti
  •  Kunjala
  •  Trataka
  •  Agni-sara
  •  Nauli
Teaching Methodology & Practicum
  •  Learning to instruct & guide
  •  Main points: Teaching to what you observe, Timing a class, Greeting/Centering, Sequence in teaching,
  •  Themeing a specific posture
  •  Classroom Organization
  •  Demonstration
  •  Health Concerns
  •  Language
  •  Modification in Posture
  •  The role of a teacher
  •  The practice and service of teaching yoga
  • Class sequences
  •  Develop intention for classes
  •  Self-evaluation
  •  Assignments
  •  Practice teaching
  •  Feed back
  •  Group discussion
  •  Question & answer
  •  Home work


Yoga Samaadhi is currently offering 10% discount for the 300 Hours Yoga TTC in Thailand commencing from now until February 2025.

Accommodation Type Price Per Course Fee
Budget Triplet Dorm (Female or Mix-Gender)
1 person

US$ 2,900 US$ 2,610

Standard Triplet Dorm (Female Only)
1 person

US$ 3,040 US$ 2,736

Private Single Room
1 person

US$ 3,900 US$ 3,510

Private Double Room
2 persons

US$ 7,000 US$ 6,300

* Each room type is subject to availability.  Please inquire to check availability before application.

Course Fee includes:

Course Fee does not include:

Secure Your Seat



300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand

Required Advance Deposit: $400 (13,600 THB – Thai Baht) per applicant

* Each room type is subject to availability.  Please inquire to check availability before application.


Advance deposit is strictly non-refundable. However, your advance deposit amount can be retained for rescheduling, only if applicant makes a request 7 days before the program start date.



By signing and booking for your course at Yoga Samaadhi, you are acknowledging that you have read, agree and accept our School Policy and Code of Conduct. Please go through our School Policy and Code of Conduct thoroughly.

Student Reviews

I completed the 300h TTC in Chiang-Mai in February 2023. This experience was nothing short of life-changing. If you are considering it at all, DO IT. The course itself was everything I hoped it would be, it has changed me in so many ways but because each individual’s experience is so different I will focus my review on being more informative about what to expect (although much of this information can also be found on the school’s website). I came from the USA and had never done solo international traveling before. The school was extremely accommodating with helping get me from the airport to the school, and back again. I felt very safe at all times. The accommodations on site were very comfortable and in a beautiful, peaceful location. The people (from the instructors to the resort managers to every single individual I came across in Maewin) were so kind and helpful and made the stay amazing. All meals were included and were delicious (and all vegetarian, and while not specifically gluten free they were accommodating of any other dietary restrictions).
The course itself was well organized and well structured. The communication from Hope was excellent starting before I even officially signed up for the course (she corresponded with me and answered all the questions I had) and all throughout the course. I felt genuinely cared for by everyone involved with the school. The teachers are extremely knowledgeable and, just as importantly, great at passing along their knowledge. The course is in English. 6 days a week, with one day off per week and on those days there was an optional organized activity by the school included in the cost for the program— we went to an elephant sanctuary, visited temples, hiked and visited waterfalls, and did bamboo rafting. Our course days started at 0545 and went to 1800, with a long break in the middle of the day, and we had courses in mantra chanting, pranayama, asana (2 classes each day), anatomy, philosophy, and relaxation & meditation. In February, the mornings and evenings were quite cool, it it still got hot during the day. This was nice because there weren’t many mosquitoes. My class started with 6 people and ended with 5– because the main location of the school is in Rishekesh the class size in Chiang Mai tends to be smaller, but I enjoyed this as I felt that it allowed our group to become very close and also allowed it to be very personal.


This was the best experience of my life and I would recommend it to anyone considering it 😊🙏🏻

Caitlin Sippey

- Caitlin Sippey -

Jasmin Gronski
Jasmin GronskiUSA
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Namaste students of the world, and teachers seeking to be; where do I even begin with Yoga Samaadhi, to keep this short - COME!!!! As someone who completed her 200 YTT in Puerto Vallarta, my first teacher was very well-rooted in yoga, practice, and living by the philosophy of Yogis. I was looking to continue my education for Ashtanga 500 YTT. Whether you’re looking to start your 100, 200 300, or 500 Yoga Samaadhi has it all. I was concerned about picking up on commercializing Yogis teachers from the Western world because truthfully having a good mentor/ teacher who cares matters ( the authenticity ), because whatever you learn; you will be just about that, what you and your brain pick up on matters. It’s not about the “brand“ but about the Yoke, people, and community You are from the outreach, so yes every day you are mainly focusing on your yoga practice and the learning environment ( this is what you want ), but don’t worry the weekend or your day off. There’s plenty of fun that Hope and Pe Bee organize for the student group. Save and clean. The staff, all the staff is wonderful, the food is grown there, all the vegan home delicious three times a day meal. - there’s a point ( because I stay for 500TCC ) the staff asks me if I like anything different to cook when all the meals have always been different; im always excited for the meal, I throw in a little idea/ suggestion and the staff made it. This is family, and you will feel like you are at Home. You will learn A LOT, bring your sunscreen and soak it up like a ray of sun. Oh and 5 stars aren’t enough, if I can rate all the stars in the universe; I did give it all to Yoga Samaadhi. Thank you to all the Teachers Piyush, Subash, Hope and Janmanagi & all the staff ones again; With love and light, Stay blessed - Jasmin Gronski
Jasmine Tribe
Jasmine TribeUnited Kingkom
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I did my 300 hour training with Yoga Samaadhi and loved it! Firstly, the location at Mae Win Resort is gorgeous - it’s 1.5 hours from Chiang Mai out in the lush green countryside. It’s a fair bit cooler than in the city which suited me well! The owners of the resort really welcome everyone into their family and make the space feel comfortable, safe and fun. The food is incredible and much of the ingredients are fresh from the farm across the road! There are some wonderful excursions that you can do on your days off - visiting waterfalls, hiking on Thailand’s highest peak, bamboo rafting and more. Hope is easy to communicate with, friendly and helps with anything you might need on/ in advance of the training. Now for the yoga - all the teachers are from India and they can really help deepen your connection to the authentic roots of yoga. The lessons cover a broad range of topics and are well-rounded with plenty of opportunities to teach and share (although just one for teaching Asana). I was nervous about doing Ashtanga vinyasa since I had never done it before, but I loved these classes and there was an emphasis on listening to your body and it being more about the inner process than the aesthetics. I especially enjoyed learning about adjustments and variations of the Ashtanga vinyasa asana poses. I would recommend this training to anyone who wants to get out into the peaceful countryside of Thailand and connect more deeply to the roots of yoga and themselves.
Haley Johnson
Haley JohnsonUSA
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One of the most beautiful experiences of a lifetime, I recently completed the 500Hr YTT with Yoga Samaadhi where all of my expectations were met if not exceeded by the incredible yoga school staff, as well as the staff at the resort. Hope-ji is such a joy to work with from the very start, she is totally organized, answers any/all questions, & offers assistance whenever she can making sign-up/arrival/school as simple & smooth as possible. The other instructors are extremely knowledgeable in their respective crafts, kindly & compassionately sharing their experiences making it an all around smooth learning process for anyone at any yoga level. I chose this school specifically to learn the traditional styles, techniques, & philosophies from the ancient Vedic texts & beyond. The overall content was everything that I could have wanted & more. It was an honor to learn with Chandramani-ji, he has profound knowledge & always offered assistance to the greatest of his capacity. The daily schedule was great, plenty of class time balanced with self-practice/study/free time. During the off days, we went on super fun excursions all over the region spending time with elephants, bamboo river rafting, & visiting ancient temples/monasteries. Staying at Mae Win Guesthouse was like staying with family. P'Bee, P'Nai, & the rest of the family/staff members always took care to make sure everything was comfortable, really taking care of any needs/desires. The resort also provided incredible fully vegan meals, ranging from traditional Thai to western dishes, not a single meal was there any disappointment. The climate in the January & February months was chilly in the mornings so long pants & sweaters necessary but the afternoons warmed up wonderfully. I highly recommend this school to anyone seeking a similar experience to this!